Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The War and Sanctions on Iraq, Syria, and in Future Egypt - as foretold in Hadith

With what has been transpiring in Iraq, and now Syria - it is extremely sad that the Muslim Ummah is SLEEP WALKING from one disaster into another - without paying much attention to what has been foretold to us in Ahadeeth and without realizing that Taaghooti forces are conveniently PLAYING our differences and Perceived fault-lines while the vast majority of the Ummah are getting exploited resulting in thousands of Muslims getting killed.
I encourage and invite all to go through some Ahadeeth and see for themselves what has been foretold and then put their hand on heart and ask themselves - if they want to be part of the problem - or part of the solution - a solution that unites and brings the ummah together - rather than cause its further destruction.
The following very interesting Hadith clearly foretold what is happening in Middle-East these days.
I first read the following hadith in Ibn'e Katheer's summary of Bidaya Wan Nihaya... but then on noted that it is from Sahih Muslim (as the original source).


Sahih Muslim Book 041, Hadith Number 6923.
The Book Pertaining to the Turmoil and Portents of the Hour

Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) as saying:

1. Iraq would withhold its dirhams and qafiz;

2. Syria would withhold its mudd and dinar and

3. Egypt would withhold its irdab and dinar and

4. You would recoil to that position from where you started and
(Repeated). You would recoil to that position from where you started and
(Repeated). You would recoil to that position from where you started,
5. The bones and the flesh of Abu Huraira would bear testimony to it.

Muslim: Book 41, Number 6961:

Abu Nadra reported: We were in the company of Jabir b. ‘Abdullah that he said:
“It may happen that the people of Iraq may not send their qafiz and dirhams. We said, “Who would be responsible for it?” He said, “The non-Arabs would prevent them.” He again said,
“There is the possibility that the people of Syria may not send their dinar and mudd.” We said, “Who would be responsible for it?” He said, “This prevention would be made by the Romans.” He (Jabir b. Abdullab) kept quiet for a while and then reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) having said: “There would be a caliph in the last (period) of my Ummah who would freely give handfuls of wealth to the people without counting it”. I said to Abu Nadra and Abu al-’Ala, “DO you mean ‘Umar bin ‘Abd al-Aziz?” They said, “No (he would be Mehdi).”

When reading the above two ahadith together – it clearly explains what is happening in the Middle-East these days and who would be responsible for it.

Some research on this Hadith:

According to this Hadith - "sanctions" would be imposed on 3 countries in the Middle-East in specific order as mentioned in the Hadith:
1st Iraq, 2nd Syria, and finally 3rd Egypt.

Let us do some detailed evaluation of this Hadith.
The hadith above mentions – Dirham and Qafiz in reference to Iraq.

The Hadith says:

“Iraq would with hold its dirham and qafiz”

Dirham = Money
(see below for details)
Qafiz = A Measure of Oil!

1 Dinar = Gold Coin weighing 72 grains of average barley. This is now calculated as: 4.45 gm of Gold.
1 Dirham = (7/10) = 0.7 Dinar. (i.e. Dirham is 70% of a Gold Dinar).

It should be noted that the word “Qafiz” has been used through history for a measure of oil! Because of the Arab influence over southern Italy the Sicilian language has also borrowed some words from Arabic. One such word is clearly from the Arabic “Qifaz” and that word in Sicilain language is “Cafisu”  - (cafiso: measure of oil) - [Arabic: qafiz]

This means that the sanctions imposed on Iraq would be about “Money and Oil”. i.e. An economic sanction with holding Money and Oil. (Remember the UN sanctions on Iraq and the Oil for Food programme).

The Non-Arabs would prevent them

As the Hadith about Iraq sanctions mentions - "The Non-Arabs would prevent them" - meaning that generally the Arab population would not be in favour of the sanctions in Iraq and it would be implemented by groups of nations - mostly non Arabs (i.e. Western Powers + United Nation)

We now know as a fact that economic sanctions were imposed on Iraq - after which there was 1st Persian Gulf War and then a 2nd Persian Gulf War.
The Persian Gulf War (2 August 1990 – 28 February 1991), codenamed Operation Desert Storm (17 January 1991 – 28 February 1991) commonly referred to as simply the Gulf War, was a war waged under the U.N. authorized coalition force from 34 nations led by the US and closely in cooperation with UK, against Iraq.

Duration of the Sanctions & War on Iraq

Sanctions were imposed (which can be seen in military terminology as a technique with the goal of “Softening up the Target”.
The war against Iraq started in August, 1990 – and ended in December, 2011 (although very strong foreign influences remain). The U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq was completed on December 18, 2011
Approximate Total time: Around 22-23 years. However – if you add the pre-war sanctions – the actual duration against Iraq is much longer. According to some estimates just the pre-war sanctions on Iraq were responsible for nearly 5 million deaths of children due to lack of medicine, medical supplies, and healthy nutrition.

The Number of Muslims Killed in Iraq

The result of the war on Iraq is clear. Although Saddam Hussain is gone – thousands upon thousands of Muslims have perished in this “foreign imposed war”.

A study, published in prestigious medical journal The Lancet, estimated that over 600,000 Iraqis had been killed as a result of the invasion (as of July 2006). Iraqis have continued to be killed since then.
The updated estimate as of 2012 is that more than a million Muslims died in Iraq. The estimate that over a million Muslims in Iraq have died received independent confirmation from a prestigious British polling agency in January 2008. Opinion Research Business estimated that the death toll between March 2003 and August 2007 was 1,033,000.

Syria would withhold its mudd and dinar ...

The Hadith mentions “Mudd and Dinar” in reference to Syria.

Mudd = typically used as a measure of Wheat, or more generally food (rice, wheat, barley, bread, etc). One Mudd is equated to ¾ of a kilogram, or sometimes as 708 grams. A mudd is a measure, commonly translated in today's terminology as a "Bushel"
This means that the sanctions imposed on Syria would be about Wheat and possibly general Food and (dinar) Money.

Further - the general food sanctions/witholding would be of a smaller nature compared to the sanctions imposed on Iraq (as Mudd refers to a small measure of general food items of around 708 grams).

Considering the sanctions on Syria - the hadith mentions “This prevention would be made by the Romans". Also please note that this time it was not mentioned that "The non-Arabs would prevent them" - this means that not just non-Arabs but even Arab government and population will be included in this.

This is clearly visible by the direct involvement of many Arab countries in the Middle-east such as Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Gulf Countries, and even “fighters” have poured in from as far as Tunisia and Libya.

This means that the key driver of sanctions against Syria would be present day Romans - i.e. Europeans and USA plus UK.

Considering what happened with Iraq - a similar fate seems to now be emerging as the expected outcome in Syria - resulting in war, then destruction of the country and finally withdrawal of occupation forces. Already nearly 80,000 plus Muslims have perished in this internal strife and war in Syria.

Considering that war in Syria started in 2012 – although without direct and visible involvement of “Roman” forces yet (no boots on the ground) - if we expect this to take around the same time as in Iraq, it may take potentially until 2012+22 = 2034.
Muslims should pray that insha Allah – that the situation in Syria does not drag out in a long drawn out war and would end quickly.

Egypt would with hold its irdab and dinar and

Taking the hadith to its logical conclusion - we can expect that after the conflict in Syria finishes - a situation similar to that which happened in Iraq / Syria - would finally happen in Egypt.

When Husni Mubarak was in power - I used to think how the west can be against Egypt - as Mubarak was their own man. However - as the "revolution" started and Ikhwan (Muslim Brotherhood) started to come to power - it became clear to me that - this will happen after Ikhwan or may be a combination of "Islamist" parties stay in power for sometime in Egypt and start to change the policies - specially the policy of being friendly with Israel and blocking aid to Palestinians. Further imagine if the Islamic parties in Egypt rip apart the agreement signed with Israel about Sinai - and take ownership of Sinai - then - it will be considered as "open challenge" to Israel and the US and according to the current terms of agreement would be “an act of war”. Only Allah (swt) knows how the situation in Egypt would develop – however – already the “Islamist” parties have come to power in Egypt and already the relationship between Egypt and the Western Powers has changed.
The words used in reference with Egypt are Irdab and Dinar.

Irdab is a special measure especially related to Egypt.
1 Irdab = 73 KG (of Wheat)

When talking about grain - Irdab generally means wheat free from rubblish, dirt and the husks. More generally Irdab also refers to fruit in their dried state - such as dried dates and raisins.

Hence the economic sanctions against Egypt would impact dried fruits and wheat imports/exports and ofcourse dinar (money).

The present and future governments and citizens of Egypt - specially those who have any concern for the Muslims there - should take heed and start preparing for such eventuality by making sure that they can protect and defend themselves from certain onslaught that is to befall them in the future - as Hadith can never be wrong. 

Update on Egypt: 08/04/2015
I am compelled to make some clarification and dare I say "predictions" based on the above ahadeed about Egypt, since now it is ruled by another ruthless wolf in sheeps clothing named "Sisi". As - it is abundantly clear that ethnic and religious "fault-lines" are being used to divide and rule the Muslims in the Middle-East - specially Iraq, Syria, Bahrain, & Yemen - mostly on Shia/Sunni divide - a new fault-line is emerging that I fear will rip apart not just Egypt but the rest of the Middle-East. This new fault line is - Salafi vs Ikhwan. A quick search would reveal that Billions of Arab Middle-East Petro-Dollars have been poured into Egypt to support "Sisi" and the "Ḥizb Al‑Nūr (Al-Nour) Salafi party, while Ikhwan all over Middle-east are being persecuted and even donations for Hamas - that used to be common through-out Middle-East has been left high and dry. Hence - to me it seems clear that the destruction of Egypt will be done using the Salafi vs ikhwan fault-line in addition to various other divides in the Egyptian society.

Finally the hadith mentions

you would recoil to that position from where you started and
you would recoil to that position from where you started and
you would recoil to that position from where you started,

It is good to remember that when Rasul Allah (saw) wanted to emphasize some point so that those who listen - can memorize and pay special attention – he (saw) repeated in 3 times. Hence when we notice that this phrase is repeated 3 times - this is a sign that we should pay special attention and take heed/note.

"You would recoil to the position from where you started" to me means exactly what it says - that the muslims in various parts of the world - would recoil (i.e. return) to the position from where they started. This can most likely mean that muslims return to their places of origin - so the majority of muslims in non-muslim lands (like Muslims living in North America, and Europe) would potentially return to their land of origin in the Middle-East in great numbers. This would happen if the economic situation in these countries continue to deteriorate to the point that racism, islamophobia and islam bashing becomes common place and a muslim wearing islamic dress or a woman wearing Hijab or Niqab will be banned... early signs of all these have already started happening and I fear that this trend will only continue over time.

Additional Comments Added On:08/04/2015:

Some readers are incorrectly assuming that " you would recoil to that position from where you started," means returning to the true path, true deen, and true manhaj. This is incorrect, although over time Muslims will have no choice BUT to return to the true path. This specifically means - return to the places of origin. Otherwise the text would have read something like " you would recoil to your deen (or to Sunnah, or to your true manhaj) from where you started, ".

For those who say "what about the reverts" - please understand that the Islamic rules explain the "General Principles" and NOT the exceptions. E.g. A general rule is that the animal horse is Haram, although according to the rule on exceptions - if a Muslims' life can be saved - then under such situation eating a "horse" would become temporarily halal for such person or people (imagine people dying of hunger in Syria, or in Gaza - when under blockade). So here this section talks about the "general rule". There will always be exceptions and it can't be that 100% all Muslims will leave - but what should be taken from this - is that certain events will unfold that will make it impossible for the vast majority of Muslims to continue to live and practice their deen or live with security of life and property. This is very easy to see - as the situation is only getting from bad to worse for Muslims in the West. Now imagine - if some "extremist group" as part of a blow back, or some black ops results in an event such as another 9/11 (May Allah protect all from it)... I leave it to the readers to come to their own conclusion.

And Allah (azza wa jal) knows best.