Bismillah HirRahman Nirraheem
It has now become a common news item to hear of muslims - sometimes young and impressionable, who get VISA permit to visit some non-muslim country - only to be caught preparing to commit acts of murder or mass murder.
Sadly - these young muslim men - who consider themselves to be on the right path - and consider it to be their duty to inflict harm on non-muslims (infidels / kuffars) are totally on the wrong - and their basic understanding of Islamic law and Islamic Sharia is totally incorrect.
There is no difference between these jahil men and those who commit wrongful acts because of hate and anger.
This article is to simply show that any such person who plans or supports such actions:
1. That their basic islamic belief is incorrect and while they may "think" that they are benefitting the muslim ummah, they are actually going against the orders of Allah (swt) and His Rasul - Muhammad Mustafa (saw).
2. They need to stop and realize that what they are planning to do - not only brings harm to non-muslims, but also brings harm and dis-respect to islam and muslims - all over the world.
3. Anyone who encourages these people, or supports these people - with their time or with money is also supporting wrong understanding of Islam and of Islamic Sharia.
Let's start with the fact that Islam strictly forbids treachery, betrayal and violation of treaties, and promises.
Quran mentions about the fulfillment of promises in various aya - only a selected few are mentioned here for brevity.
“And fulfill (every) covenant. Verily! The covenant will be questioned about.”
(Surah Isrâ 17:34)
“O you who believe! Fulfill (your) obligations.” (Surah Maeda 5:1)
“O you who believe! Why do you say that which you do not do? Most hateful it is with Allah that you say that which you do not do.” (Surah Saff 61:2,3)
“It is not righteousness that you turn your faces towards East or West; but it is righteousness to believe in Allah and the Last Day, and the Angels, and the Book, and the Messengers; to spend of your substance, out of love for Him, for your kin, for orphans, for the needy, for the wayfarer, for those who ask, and for the ransom of slaves; to be steadfast in prayer, and practice regular charity; to fulfill the contracts which you have made; and to be firm and patient, in pain (or suffering) and adversity, and throughout all periods of panic. Such are the people of truth, the Allah-fearing.” (Surah Al-Baqarah 2:177)
Abu Hurairah (RA) reported: Rasulullah (SAW) said:
“Three are the signs of a hypocrite:
1. When he speaks, he lies;
2. When he makes a promise, he breaks it; and
3. When he is trusted, he betrays his trust.”
(Source: Al-Bukhari)
Another narration adds the words: “Even if he observes Saum (fasts), performs Salaat (prayer) and claims to be a Muslim.”
Imam Ibn Qudama said:
"Those who came in to the enemy's land, receiving a guarantee of security, has no right to falsely impinge on their property or to engage with them usurious transactions. As for treachery towards them, it is forbidden, because their guarantee of security means that, there would not be committed treason against them. Even if these conditions were not negotiated in good faith in words, the meaning is clear from the action itself." "Al-Mughni", 13-152.
Imam As-Sarhasi said:
"If a Muslim came to the infidels with their permission, he must not have a perfidy against them (i.e. not be disloyal to them). And if he did show them the perfidy and usurp their property, and then he was kicked out to the Islamic country, then it is condemned for a Muslim to buy anything from this man, if a Muslim knows that it was gained through a bad way!" "Al-Mabsut" 10-96.
Imam An-Nawawi said:
"If a Muslim entered the enemy territory under warranty and had taken something that belongs to them or had stolen something, and then returned to the land of the Muslims, he is obliged to return what has been misappropriated" See "Ravdatu-talibin" 10-291.In conclusion - as stated by many modern scholars, including Muhammad al-Maqdisi, Abu Al-Basyr Tartusi, and others , a muslim man who arrives in a country that is even at war with Muslims, with the original non-military purpose of visit, for example, to live, work, learn, get an education and so on, is under a contract between him and the country he is visiting, and the blood, honor and property of all non-muslim citizens and residents of the country the person is visiting are thus totally forbidden to him.